Oh man, I'm really excited of having travelled this far to get to Seattle's Gamefest.
I've been talking with many different people (peers, MSFties, MS partners, exhibitors, etc.), giving and collecting cards like crazy, and played a lot of games. In short, having a really quality time.
In this sense, meeting the guys behind XNA GS have been really nice: Shawn, Eli, Michael, and the rest of the guys. Also cool Xna'ers like Chad Carter, Bill Reiss, and of course, "old" XNA'ers (and ex-MSFTies) like TheZMan (Andy).
Also it has been a great opportunity to discuss some crazy ideas and techniques that I have and of course want to implement in the near future, and believe me when I say that the feedback has been encouraging (thanks Shawn).
The talks have been quite handy. Lots of techniques, upcoming features, relevant information, and of course: the yummy 70% that we "indies" could get if we reach the next phase with our games.
So, guys, tomorrow I'll be returning to Vancouver with my wife and sister, so maybe I can post more comments about the conference.
Opps. Have to go. The next talk is starting.
See ya.