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A couple of weeks ago I had pressed and held the start button of my WP7 device to find that it had fallen in a sort of neverending booting loop.
As soon as the device started and the first screen appeared showing the initial info/stats, it automatically rebooted for ever.
Since I wasn’t able to hard reset it, my first thought was “Oh gosh, it’s bricked!”.
I then noticed that the batery level was closed to zero, so I grabbed the USB data cable and plugged it into my desktop PC. No luck! After a couple of minutes the battery was still at zero level …
… as a desperate move I connected it to the AC power, directly. Still no luck! My thought then was “Drained Battery?”.
So I searched on the Internet for similar cases and I found that many reported faulty USB cables. “Could it be so?” …
Well, it turned out to be the case, at least for my device. After buying a new USB data cable, the device started to recharge the battery. And when it reached a charge level of 7% percent, it successfully booted!
So, if you happen to suffer from a similar situation, don’t panic! Go and buy a new USB data cable and try again.
Hope this help,
> Link to Spanish version.