Monday, April 02, 2007


Kobingo's looking for help in order to beta-test his game: "Bullet Hell Tactics".

So if you want to help the guy just get in touch a.s.a.p. (just read here for details).

Stay tuned to Kobingo's blog for more information.


A new tuto has been published on PlasmaFlux site which covers a starting point for networking with XNA, under Windows OS only.

From the site's post: "... Many people have asked “Can I/How do I make internet/network games in XNA” and the replay has been “yes” or “yes but not on the Xbox360 until later”. So I wanted to produce a simple network/internet game & tutorial/explanation to show off how it’s done. I wanted to keep the game simple as not to get people lost between where the game starts/stops and where the networking starts/stops, whilst not making it to simple like string only string messages as games need to send some quite complex information at times ...".

Read on ...


XNAResources has announced the launch of the second site in its network of sites: "".

From the announcement: "... The site was formerly known as The TextureBin and already has over 1700 seamless high resolution textures! is membership based though... we offer 3 types of membership:

  • Free 15 day Trial - Same as the standard below but limited to 15 days.
  • Standard Membership - Access to all the content on the site in lower resolutions (500 pixels wide).
  • Premium Membership - Access to all the content in the standard membership AND full access to high resolution versions of all the textures as well as bump maps, alpha maps, and games sized versions (powers of 2) of the textures in high resolution ...".
See ya!


Remember this post? Well, John Sedlak has announced the successor of his XNA5D engine ... and the name is "Thrust".

From John's post: "... Let me preface this story with a note that this is in no way an April Fools joke. The successor of Xna5D is Thrust and composes of all I have learned thus far. I am also pleased to announce that I have been working on several aspects of it with Matthew Randall. I thank him very much for contributing what he can to the project, even with his very busy schedule. I have decided that the development cycle of Thrust will be much slower compared to Xna5D ...".

So, let's thrust this is no April fools joke ... just kiddin' ... :)


In this hilarious video, Kevin Smith talks about the weird experiences he had to go through when he was asked to write the script for the candidate Superman sequel movie "Superman Lives".
